• VCAT

13 Alfred Grove,
Oakleigh East

This dual occupancy project is a typical knockdown rebuild project where the former single storey house was being removed and replaced with two contemporary houses in a side by side arrangement.


The architect realised that Monash City Council have a policy of discouraging double crossover arrangements to single lots. Council also rejected the ‘mirror image’ design and advised the architect that the site was only large enough for one house.


The experts at CS pointed out to Council the wide frontage and shallow depth of the lot as the rationale behind the side by side design. When the overall building area was compared to the remaining garden area on the site, council accepted the site was large enough to build two houses and the crossovers would be separated by a large section of nature strip. Adopting a number of subtle design techniques such as varying setbacks across the frontage, differing window shapes and alternate front porch arrangements to each dwelling addressed councils concerns about the ‘mirror image’ design and the planning permit was approved in February 2019.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“The team at CS Town Planning were fantastic in preparing, lodging, following up and finalising my town planning permit that needed to be done in a hurry. From the first meeting through to the final permit approval I always felt confident in a team that always displayed competence and expediency in all aspects of the process.


State Library 328 Swanston Street,

The Victorian State Government is seeking to extend the existing city library along the Swanston Street frontage to create a functional, interactive and contemporary section of the library for citizens and visitors.


The combined effect of the spectacularly maintained library building and the heritage listing of the site meant that a very measured and considered design was required so the value of the old building would not be eclipsed by the modern addition.


The extensive use of glass throughout the extension assisted with softening the visibility of the proposal. Our team identified physical separation between the established and new buildings as critical to respecting the heritage significance of the place. Connection between the two elements is via footbridges that are strategically designed to sit behind the façade of the old library building.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“I would not hesitate to recommend CS Town Planning Services to colleagues and friends.”


Victoria Street Plaza, Brisbane

Brisbane City Council are seeking to regenerate the waterfront area of Victoria Street to create a greater sense of connection to the city centre. The long term project commenced in 2020 and will be ongoing to 2030.


The existing urban area is underutilised and in need of regeneration. The private and fragmented ownership of the sites made developing a master plan for the precinct exceptionally difficult.


Our experts engaged with the community and council to ensure the needs of all stakeholders were considered in the development of the precinct plan. The result will be an uplift in property values and the creation of a vibrant public space for the entire community.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“I wanted to thank you for all your help and the hard work you have put into getting my development approved by Council. It’s not easy to get council approval for townhouses in the neighbourhood residential zone, if it wasn’t for your knowledge and efficiency I do not believe it would have been approved.”


NAB, 535 Bourke Street,

NAB engage our team to obtain planning permits for their new branch and branch upgrades throughout Australia. Our experts were engaged to identify whether a planning permit was required for the proposal and then manage the application through to receipt of a council approval.


Collins Street is one of the most pristine examples of a heritage conservation street in the state of Victoria and Council are very specific about alterations to buildings within the heritage overlay and the installation of signage on buildings.


In consultation with NAB and the architects our team selected business signs from NAB’s preferred signage pack that would be supported in the Collins Street area. As a result of this proactive approach the application was approved without any concerns being raised by Council and the onsite construction commenced ahead of schedule.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“CS Town Planning Services provided an excellent architectural design for four townhouses, which maximised the sale price of our block by $300,000 more than our real estate agent was expecting. The result was very pleasing and the experience of working with the staff at CS Town Planning was rewarding.”


Northcote Aquatic Centre, 180 Victoria Road, Northcote

The redevelopment of the council managed centre was identified as a key project by Darebin City Council. The centre was identified as a community hub and vital to the liveability and enjoyment of local residents.


Community interest in the project was massive and there was a strong cohort that felt the existing club could be refurbished and kept open rather than closure of the centre and complete demolition of all structures on site.


Ultimately council was convinced to allow the demolition to proceed and create a blank canvas for the architects to design a state of the art facility. Demolition occurred in May 2021 and construction commenced on the centre in late 2021.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

 “I just wanted to let you know how happy I am with your work on the plans for our proposal. You have shown yourself to be very knowledgeable regarding council requirements and you have answered all my emails promptly when we can and can’t do something.”


Transport Hub, Southbank,

The Victorian Government have engaged a number of consulting firms to review the viability of establishing a transport hub on the southern side of the Yarra River in Melbourne City. Our role is to identify the planning issues related to the project and work in consultation with the architects and urban design team to develop solutions.


The area is highly urbanised and already built up. The viability of the project will be dependent on the government’s appetite to deliver a transport hub.


As part of the overall design development team we have presented an option which would not require any legislative change to planning controls to be developed. The project would undoublty create greater connection between both sides of the city on the river and improve commuter access to the city centre.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“I’d like to thank you for your expertise in resolving a very complex matter between my neighbours, Melbourne City Council and I. I also thank your wonderful support team, especially Erin, who has been with me most of the way and very prompt with all my queries.”  


F45, 1416 High Street,

‘F45’ is a class only based gymnasium that operates classes outside typical business hours when there is most demand for the service. It is one of the fastest growing global gym franchises and there is one in most suburbs of metropolitan Melbourne.


This gym had attracted complaints from the tenants of a neighbouring residential apartment building for early operating hours and playing live music loudly. The complaints resulted in enforcement action and monitoring being undertaken by Stonington City Council and the possibility of council supporting a retrospective application to formalise the five am opening time looked unlikely.


This case required conflict resolution skills that are common place in planning disputes. The first step in the process was to ensure the gym was operating within the permitted times under the council approved planning permit. Once the gym has demonstrated compliance with the approved conditions for a six month timeframe and relations with the residential neighbours improved our client approached each of the neighbours to discuss the reasons why they were seeking to open earlier with each of the neighbours affected. Contact details between the owner of the gym and each of the neighbours were shared and as a result there were no objections lodged to our planning application to increase opening hours and council approved the application.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

At the hearing it became obvious that the research and preparation for the case had been detailed and extensive by CS. Several steams of argument to support our case were presented. The presentation to the tribunal was clear, logical and ordered and amounted to a compelling case.”


170 Ormond Road,

This strategic development site was considered a key development opportunity due to the size of the site and attracted a lot of public interest when plans were publicly discussed for the proposal. The redevelopment of the site for a mixed use residential complex included social and affordable housing which piqued the public interest in the project


The proposal required a heighted amount of consultation with the local council to ensure the public interests were considered. Our role was to advocate for the development of the site for private residences while at the same time achieving a balance of social and affordable housing. The result was a beautifully designed, well built and well managed development that met the needs of the community for social housing and achieved a profitable outcome for our client


This case required conflict resolution skills that are common place in planning disputes. The first step in the process was to ensure the gym was operating within the permitted times under the council approved planning permit. Once the gym has demonstrated compliance with the approved conditions for a six month timeframe and relations with the residential neighbours improved our client approached each of the neighbours to discuss the reasons why they were seeking to open earlier with each of the neighbours affected. Contact details between the owner of the gym and each of the neighbours were shared and as a result there were no objections lodged to our planning application to increase opening hours and council approved the application.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“CS Town Planning represented us at a VCAT mediation hearing in regard to a neighbouring development. They patiently, competently and confidently prepared and steered us through the process, presented our case without the emotional involvement of those directly involved, and most definitely achieved the best possible outcome under the circumstances.”


88 Collins Street, Melbourne

This retail fit out within a pristine heritage listed building required planning approval in an area where heritage conservation controls are exceptionally rigid. On account of our demonstrated experience in the area CS were selected to guide the architect team through the required approvals.


The starting point for the project required the completion of exceptionally detailed architect’s drawings of the existing features of the building. These drawings had to exactly match the as built conditions of the building before any discussions on what modifications could be made were held. This was a collaborative effort between the client, the architect and our team to gather photographs and historic plans of the building to accurately draw up and document the existing conditions. On completion of this we turned our attention to identify the heritage features that were important to be retained and those modern elements that could be removed.


We quickly identified that the mosaic tiles within the building frontage were significant and had to be retained along with the pillars and ornamental period embellishments across the façade. The glazing along the frontage was identified as non-significant to the heritage fabric and correctly classed as a modern addition that could be removed or modified. With the guidance of the CS team the client was able to present an acceptable demolition plan to Council as part of the planning application that was approved by councils heritage advisor with no amendments required.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“We found the CS team to be highly diligent and provided a fast and comprehensive service. We would happily recommend this agency for your town planning and council requirements.”


Telstra flagship store, 246 – 260 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Telstra were upgrading their flagship store on the Bourke Street mall and required council approval for the signage and associated fitout. The proposal included a number of interactive and animated signs along the footpath level.


Melbourne Council objected to the use of interactive digital touch screens on the street level because of the hazard they could create when people stopped to interact with the device.


Our experts led the negotiations with the council on behalf of Telstra to relocate the touch screens to within the shop but remaining highly visible from the public realm. This outcome meant Telstra could retain their ability to attract customers into the store but also resolved councils concerns about pedestrians stopping on the footpath.

date of completion
July 2019
City of Monash
G.J. Gardner Home Builders
Blueprint Design Studio

“The CS team done a great job on my objection to Stonnington City Council – finishing the job in twenty four hours.”