■ NAB, 535 Bourke Street,
NAB engage our team to obtain planning permits for their new branch and branch upgrades throughout Australia. Our experts were engaged to identify whether a planning permit was required for the proposal and then manage the application through to receipt of a council approval.
Collins Street is one of the most pristine examples of a heritage conservation street in the state of Victoria and Council are very specific about alterations to buildings within the heritage overlay and the installation of signage on buildings.
In consultation with NAB and the architects our team selected business signs from NAB’s preferred signage pack that would be supported in the Collins Street area. As a result of this proactive approach the application was approved without any concerns being raised by Council and the onsite construction commenced ahead of schedule.
“CS Town Planning Services provided an excellent architectural design for four townhouses, which maximised the sale price of our block by $300,000 more than our real estate agent was expecting. The result was very pleasing and the experience of working with the staff at CS Town Planning was rewarding.”